Collecting Toys for Emily's Awesome Toy Drive
We are so excited to be partnering with Councilman Anthony Manetta to be collecting toys for Emily's Awesome Toy Drive.

To help make sure every child gets a toy, we are:
- A drop off location for UNWRAPPED, NEW toys.
- A donation location where toys will be purchased with all monetary donations. Funds can be dropped of in-store OR through venmo
All donations MUST be made before December 16th to ensure there is enough time to distribute toys to all of the hosptials. All toys will go to organizations throughout Long Island including Cohen Children’s Medical Center, Stony Brook University Hospital, Winthrop Hospital, the Ronald McDonald House, the John Theissen Foundation, and Angela’s House.
Can't make it to the toy store? You can drop the toys off at the Councilman's office at Town Hall or call us at 631-314-4553. We will make it work!