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Hurricane Ida Relief

Update - On September 16th we donated over $600 to the United Way of Southeast Louisiana.  Thank you to everyone who contributed!!


Living on Long Island we are no stranger to the devastation that a hurricane can bring to our community.  After Sandy it took weeks to get the power back and years to rebuild the community.   With these memories and a heavy heart, Argyle Toys wants to do their part to help the residents of Louisiana and Mississippi rebuild.

Starting August 31st through September 10th, Argyle Toys is dedicated to raising funds for Hurricane Ida relief.  In speaking to different local charities, it has been made clear that money is the most effective way to reach the families as they don’t have the resources to distribute blankets, diapers, etc.  We are setting a goal of $1000 that will go directly to the Hurricane Ida Relief Fund with the United Way of Southeast Louisiana. If we reach the $1000 goal by September 10th, Argyle Toys will donate an additional $500.

How to Donate:

  • In-store you can put cash in the designated donation jar
  • In-store you can add to your credit/debit card purchase
  • Venmo @Argyle-Toys (business account) with “Hurricane Ida Relief” in the comments

Ida dropped over 10 inches of rain over 48 hours as the category 4 storm pulled onto land and stalled. At least two areas have reported over a foot and a half of rainfall during this time.  The power grid in these areas are shattered as a result of the 150 mile an hour winds.  Over a million people are without power and they are calling for weeks before power is restored.  First responders are still going home to home to check for survivors.


Learn about The United Way:

United Way of Southeast Louisiana is here before, during, and after disasters. When a disaster strikes, your gift helps families get back in their homes, rebuild schools and businesses, and give our vulnerable neighbors the care they need. United Way works with local organizations to thoughtfully build strategies to create resilient communities.

All proceeds to the Hurricane Ida Relief Fund, in partnership with WWL-TV CHANNEL 4, will support immediate relief efforts and long-term rebuilding and community grants to partner organizations providing direct services to assist with disaster recovery. 

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